Friday, July 16, 2010

10 - 11 July Mt Isa

What a memorable sight driving into Mt Isa and seeing the mines and chimneys in the distance. The town is much bigger than I thought and yes, much warmer weather at last. We parked ourselves on vacant land, open to campers, behind the RSL and bowling club. A perfect view of the mines was visible from our window. In the early morning before daybreak, it was lit up like a little city and lights that appeared to be the trucks and different vehicles moved across the horizon on the edge of the pits. Riley, Christopher and I loved watching this whilst everyone was still asleep. Moondarra Dam was a most beautiful spot not far from town. The boys covered themselves with mud, we saw dead bats, live peacocks and fed the whistling kites that would swoop down for our scraps. Thomas and Matty bought themselves a bird book, which has proved very handy, as we have seen so many different kinds of birds that we do not see at home.

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